package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "net/http" "os" "time" "" "" khttp "" "" "" ) // FormID http request from of user type FormID struct { ID int `json:"id" db:"id" form:"id"` } // FormUser http request from of user type FormUser struct { Page int `json:"page" db:"page" form:"page" validate:"required,gt=0"` PageSize int `json:"pagesize" db:"pagesize" form:"pagesize" validate:"required,gte=5,lte=100"` Code int `json:"code" db:"code" form:"code"` Name string `json:"name" db:"name" form:"name" validate:"max=20"` ID int `json:"id" db:"id" form:"id"` } // User user type User struct { ID int `json:"id"` Phone string `json:"phone"` Name string `json:"name"` Passwd string `json:"passwd"` Sex string `json:"sex"` Birthday types.DateText `json:"birthday"` //* Country types.NullInt `json:"country"` Province types.NullInt `json:"province"` City types.NullInt `json:"city"` Nation types.NullInt `json:"nation"` // */ Avatar types.NullString `json:"avatar"` Signature types.NullString `json:"signature"` Category int `json:"category"` Scale int `json:"scale"` Score int `json:"score"` Balance float32 `json:"balance"` Status int `json:"status"` Stime string `json:"stime"` Attr types.JSONText `json:"attr"` } func get(u FormID) (user User, err error) { var db = toolkit.NewDB() //if err = db.Connect(); err == nil { //defer db.Close() var ( buffer bytes.Buffer where bytes.Buffer ) buffer.WriteString(`select id, phone, name, password passwd, sex, `) buffer.WriteString(`birthday, country, province, city, nation, avatar, `) buffer.WriteString(`signature, category, balance, scale, score, attr, `) buffer.WriteString(`status, sys_time stime from usr_user`) where.WriteString(` where id > 0 and id = :id`) buffer.WriteString(where.String()) err = db.Row(&user, buffer.String(), u) //} return } func list(formUser FormUser) (users []User, total int, err error) { var db = toolkit.NewDB() //if err = db.Connect(); err == nil { //defer db.Close() var ( buffer bytes.Buffer where bytes.Buffer sql bytes.Buffer ) buffer.WriteString(`select id, phone, name, password passwd, sex, `) buffer.WriteString(`birthday, country, province, city, nation, avatar, `) buffer.WriteString(`signature, category, balance, scale, score, attr, `) buffer.WriteString(`status, sys_time stime `) where.WriteString(` from usr_user where id > 0`) if len(formUser.Name) > 0 { where.WriteString(` and name like :name`) } sql.WriteString(`select count(*) total`) sql.WriteString(where.String()) buffer.WriteString(where.String()) buffer.WriteString(` order by id desc`) buffer.WriteString(db.Limit(formUser.Page, formUser.PageSize)) //fmt.Println(buffer.String(), sql.String()) err = db.Row(&total, sql.String(), formUser) //fmt.Println("total", total) if err != nil { return } err = db.Rows(&users, buffer.String(), formUser) return } func main() { logger := log.NewLogfmtLogger(os.Stderr) readTimeout := 30 * time.Second writeTimeout := 30 * time.Second maxHeaderBytes := 1 << 20 router := khttp.NewRouter() khttp.AddGetHandle(router, "/ver", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ver := map[string]string{ "version": "0.2.0", "comments": " API", "author": "ls"} khttp.WriteJSON(w, toolkit.RowReplyData(ver)) }) khttp.AddGetHandle(router, "/users", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var user FormUser user.Page = 1 user.PageSize = 20 users, total, err := list(user) if err != nil { khttp.WriteJSON(w, toolkit.ErrReplyData(toolkit.ErrDataNotFound, err.Error())) return } khttp.WriteJSON(w, toolkit.RowsReplyData(total, users)) }) khttp.AddGetHandle(router, "/profile", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var user FormID binding.Bind(r, &user) users, err := get(user) if err != nil { khttp.WriteJSON(w, toolkit.ErrReplyData(toolkit.ErrDataNotFound, err.Error())) return } khttp.WriteJSON(w, toolkit.RowReplyData(users)) }) dns := fmt.Sprintf( "root:Lsar-5211@tcp(") dbConfig := toolkit.DbConfig{ Driver: `mysql`, DNS: dns, MaxOpenConns: 50, MaxIdle: 5, MaxLifetime: 0} toolkit.SetDbConfig(dbConfig) defer toolkit.FreeDB() //serviceRouter(router, logger) //hs := make(HostSwitch) //hs[""] = router //toolkit.StartServer(addr, hs, readTimeout, writeTimeout, maxHeaderBytes, logger) khttp.ListenAndServe( ":9006", router, readTimeout, writeTimeout, maxHeaderBytes, logger) }