// Copyright 2014 Manu Martinez-Almeida. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package binding import ( "net/http" validator "gopkg.in/go-playground/validator.v8" ) const ( MIMEJSON = "application/json" MIMEHTML = "text/html" MIMEXML = "application/xml" MIMEXML2 = "text/xml" MIMEPlain = "text/plain" MIMEPOSTForm = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" MIMEMultipartPOSTForm = "multipart/form-data" MIMEPROTOBUF = "application/x-protobuf" MIMEMSGPACK = "application/x-msgpack" MIMEMSGPACK2 = "application/msgpack" ) // Binding bind http request params to struct type Binding interface { Name() string Bind(*http.Request, interface{}) error } // StructValidator Validator type StructValidator interface { // ValidateStruct can receive any kind of type and it should never panic, even if the configuration is not right. // If the received type is not a struct, any validation should be skipped and nil must be returned. // If the received type is a struct or pointer to a struct, the validation should be performed. // If the struct is not valid or the validation itself fails, a descriptive error should be returned. // Otherwise nil must be returned. ValidateStruct(interface{}) error // RegisterValidation adds a validation Func to a Validate's map of validators denoted by the key // NOTE: if the key already exists, the previous validation function will be replaced. // NOTE: this method is not thread-safe it is intended that these all be registered prior to any validation RegisterValidation(string, validator.Func) error } var Validator StructValidator = &defaultValidator{} var ( JSON = jsonBinding{} XML = xmlBinding{} Form = formBinding{} Query = queryBinding{} FormPost = formPostBinding{} FormMultipart = formMultipartBinding{} ProtoBuf = protobufBinding{} MsgPack = msgpackBinding{} ) // BindDefault default binding func BindDefault(method, contentType string) Binding { if method == "GET" { return Form } switch contentType { case MIMEJSON: return JSON case MIMEXML, MIMEXML2: return XML case MIMEPROTOBUF: return ProtoBuf case MIMEMSGPACK, MIMEMSGPACK2: return MsgPack default: //case MIMEPOSTForm, MIMEMultipartPOSTForm: return Form } } func validate(obj interface{}) error { if Validator == nil { return nil } return Validator.ValidateStruct(obj) } func Bind(req *http.Request, obj interface{}) error { b := BindDefault(req.Method, ContentType(req)) return MustBindWith(req, obj, b) } func MustBindWith(req *http.Request, obj interface{}, b Binding) (err error) { return b.Bind(req, obj) } func ContentType(req *http.Request) string { return filterFlags(req.Header.Get("Content-Type")) } func filterFlags(content string) string { for i, char := range content { if char == ' ' || char == ';' { return content[:i] } } return content }